Attracts Lightning

What Attracts Lightning to a Building?

Nature is beautiful, but it also consists of powerful events such as lightning that can be dangerous if measures, like installing a lightning protection system, are not taken. Since such an event can happen anywhere, it is important to understand what attracts the lightning and what can be done to ensure your safety. Let’s start with what attracts lightning to a building.

What Attracts Lightning to a Building?

There can be various reasons why lightning is attracted to a structure.

  1. Height: Buildings that are tall are more likely to be struck by lightning than those that are shorter.
  2. Location: If a building is located in an open area or near a water body, it has a higher chance of being struck by lightning. This is because there is less resistance in the lightning path
  3. Material: Good lightning conductors like metal roofs, wiring, and plumbing systems can all contribute to the possibility of the building being struck by lightning.
  4. Grounding: If the building has a poor grounding system or there is no lightning protection system installed, then the building will attract lightning.

Why Is It Important to Have Lightning Protection Systems?

Installing a lightning protection system in your building can protect it and you from the risk of being struck by lightning.

A lightning protection system is made up of lightning rods, conductors, and grounding mechanisms that are designed to catch, carry, and safely disperse electrical discharge into the ground.

What to Do If There Is a Thunderstorm?

If there is a thunderstorm, you and your loved ones can take the following steps to stay safe.

If you are inside the building:

  • Stay away from windows, metal objects, and electrical planes.
  • Do not use chorded phones or electronic devices connected to the electrical socket because lightning can travel through the wire.

If you are outside the building:

  • Find a place where can take shelter.
  • Try to look for an enclosed building or a fully enclosed metal-top vehicle.
  • Do not stand under an isolated tree, in an open field, or near water bodies.
  • In case there is nothing to take shelter of, crouch down with your feet close together so you have the least amount of contact with the ground.
  • Do not lie flat on the ground

How to Avoid Lightning Strikes

No matter how much you try to avoid being struck by lightning, nobody can give you a 100% guarantee about it. But if you take a few steps, you can decrease the chances of attracting lightning by a huge percentage.

In case you are constructing a building or thinking of renovation, it is best to consult a professional to design a lightning protection system according to your needs. Also, make sure that you regularly check and take care of this system so that it keeps working efficiently

Installing lightning protection is a must for any building to make the residents feel safe. In addition to this, there are some other preventive measures that you can take:

  1. Consider getting rid of any tall trees that might attract lightning
  2. Try to install your satellite anywhere other than the roof because that can attract lightning
  3. To protect electronic equipment and appliances from power surges caused by lightning strikes, install surge protectors.

It is important to know what attracts lightning to a building and what steps to take to protect yourself and your belongings during thunderstorms. You can greatly lower the risk of lightning-related damage or injury by installing a strong lightning protection system, sticking to storm safety rules, and taking preventative measures. You and those around you can live in a safe environment by putting safety first and following lightning safety procedures.