
Is Earthing the Same as Lightning Protection?

You must have heard that earthing and lightning protection are important when it comes to building safety. But these terms can be quite confusing at times. Let us explain it in plain terms.

Earthing and lightning protection are both important to save your building from lightning strikes, and a reputed Earthing and Lightning Protection System Supplieris aware of this.

But, even though both are important, they are not the same thing.

What Is Earthing?

Have you ever set up a massive trampoline in your backyard? The first thing you do is secure the trampoline legs to the ground so that it isn’t blown away by the wind. By doing this, the trampoline will remain in place even if someone jumps on it.

Simply put, earthing is like securing the building to the ground, like those trampoline legs. It means creating a secure way to allow electrical currents to enter the earth and preventing hazardous electricity buildups within the building.

The process of earthing involves connecting conductive building materials, such as metal pipes and rods, to a system of buried conductors. So, if a lightning strike occurs, the electrical energy will surge safely into the ground as opposed to causing damage inside the building.

What Is Lightning Protection?

A lightning protection system saves your building by directing lightning away from it.

A lightning protection system isn’t simply a collection of wires attached to the roof. It is a carefully planned network of conductors that directs the powerful energy of lightning in a controlled direction toward the ground.

These conductors are installed along the roof and sides of the building and connected to grounding points to safely direct the energy of the lightning away from the building.

How Are They Connected?

While earthing and a lightning protection system aren’t the same thing, they have a strong connection

Earthing gives electrical currents a secure outlet, guaranteeing that any unexpected surges will go harmlessly into the ground. On the other hand, a lightning protection system takes action to stop lightning strikes and directs them out of the building via the network of conductors.

A proper earthing system actually greatly increases the effectiveness of a lightning protection system. Consider it a joint effort between the earthing system and the lightning protection system, which ensures a safe path and prevents the energy from reaching the building in the first place.

Choosing a Reliable Earthing & Lightning Protection System Supplier:

When it comes to protecting your building from lightning, it’s essential to work with an experienced earthing and lightning protection system supplier. This is especially true in the UAE, where lightning strikes are common. Look for a supplier who is knowledgeable about the regional conditions and laws and can offer total solutions for lightning protection as well as effective earthing.

 While earthing and a lightning protection system may not be the same, they both play an important role in a building’s lightning safety. They work together to keep your building safe and protected from lightning. Therefore, keep in mind the importance of both adequate earthing and a well-designed lightning protection system when considering how to keep your building safe.