Home Devices for Severe Weather

How to Prepare Your Home Devices for Severe Weather?

The region we inhabit encounters bouts of severe weather and lightning every year. Despite concerns primarily revolving around the destructive impact of storms and hurricanes, homeowners tend to overlook the potential harm caused by electrical surges resulting from lightning strikes, leading to damage to connected electronic devices.

Even if a home’s exterior remains unharmed by a storm, inhabitants still face substantial financial losses if their electronics suffer from a surge. It is not necessary for lightning to directly strike a residence to pose significant problems for plugged-in devices.

If a lightning strike happens in close proximity to a power line, it can cause a power surge that can lead to significant harm to electronic devices within a home’s electrical system. However, individuals who remain vigilant and prepared can take precautionary measures to safeguard their devices and prevent any potential harm.

Unplug all devices

To safeguard electrical devices and appliances against electrical surges caused by lightning, the most effective approach is to disconnect them when severe weather is approaching. By doing so, if a power surge travels through the home’s wiring system as either its primary or secondary path, the devices will have been completely isolated from the circuit, thus avoiding any potential damage.

When lightning is expected, unplug televisions, connected entertainment centers, appliances, phones, laptops, desktops, and office equipment. This precautionary measure guarantees the protection of these devices in case of a power surge caused by lightning.

Install surge protectors 

Residents may encounter situations where lightning strikes while they are absent, making it impossible to unplug their electrical devices and appliances. In such cases, employing a plug-in surge protector at the point of use can redirect power surges toward a grounded connection.

By utilizing surge protectors, residents can effectively minimize the voltage that reaches their plugged-in devices, providing a significant level of protection.

Install a whole-home lightning protection system 

To safeguard a residence against electrical surges, homeowners have the option of requesting the assistance of a licensed electrician to install a surge protector at the service entrance, positioned between the electric meter located outside the home and the main electrical service panel or breaker box within the home.

By implementing a comprehensive lightning protection system, the occurrence of electrical surges infiltrating the internal wiring system of the residence can be prevented, thereby ensuring the protection of all electrical devices present.

Additional alternatives for a whole-home lightning protection system consist of lightning rods, primary conductors, ground rods, and bonds. These components function collectively to intercept lightning strikes, capture their energy, and guide the electrical flow toward the ground. A lightning protection system supplier will help in selecting the right alternative.

Other precautions to take 

To effectively prepare for storms and lightning, it is crucial to be aware of their expected occurrence. Thankfully, there are excellent applications available for storm and lightning warnings, capable of sending alerts regarding upcoming adverse weather conditions.

These applications enable individuals to take necessary precautions for their devices in the face of lightning threats. It is highly recommended for users to download at least one lightning application on their mobile phones and ensure that alerts and notifications are configured to provide advance warnings of severe weather. Are you concerned about your expensive home devices during severe weather? Take the precautionary measures discussed in this post and protect them and your investment.