Lightning Rods

How Do Lightning Rods Work to Protect Buildings?

Lightning rods are important equipment for protecting buildings from the dangers of lightning strikes. For those unfamiliar with lightning rods, it can be hard to understand how they work.

In this blog post, we will explore the science behind lightning rods and how they can provide protection for buildings. We will look at how a lightning rod works, how they absorb and redirect electricity, and the advantages of using them.

What is a lightning rod?

Lightning rods are an important part of lightning protection systems that are meant for protecting buildings from the dangerous effects of lightning strikes. Lightning rods, also known as air terminals or lightning conductors, are metal rods or other pointed objects that are placed on top of structures to divert the electric charge of a lightning strike away from the building and into the ground.

Lightning protection system suppliers have lightning rods with different specifications to meet the needs of all kinds of buildings. Some common types of lightning rods include sharp points (which are attached to a metal rod and grounded into the ground), air terminals (which are metal boxes with pointed tops that direct lightning away from the building), and surge arresters (which limit the amount of current coming into a building).

How does a lightning rod work?

In order to understand how lightning rods work, it’s helpful to think about electricity in terms of static charges. When lightning strikes, it carries a massive positive static charge. The lightning rod is designed to attract this charge and safely divert it away from the building into the ground.

The top of the lightning rod is usually made from a conductive material such as copper or aluminum that is highly resistant to corrosion. The rod also has a sharp point which helps to attract the electrical charge from the lightning.

As the lightning strikes the pointed end of the rod, the charge flows down the length of the rod and then into the ground, where it can safely dissipate.

It is important to note that the rod will only work effectively if it is properly grounded. This means that a good connection must be established between the bottom of the rod and the ground.

Why are lightning rods important?

Installing lightning rods can greatly reduce the chances of a building being struck by lightning and experiencing serious damage. In addition, they also provide peace of mind knowing that your property is protected against this potentially devastating natural phenomenon.

It’s important to note that lightning rods alone cannot prevent a building from being struck by lightning—it must be combined with other precautions, such as surge protectors, to ensure complete protection.


When it comes to protecting buildings from lightning damage, lightning rods do the job. Lightning rods reduce the chance of your building being struck, ensuring that its structural integrity won’t be threatened by lightning strike. If you’re looking for the best lightning protection system supplier for installing lightning rods, contact JSM Energy and protect your building from lightning strikes.